Monday, May 27, 2013

Holiday Special Edition of Saturday Shop Talk with Ms.Fran

WOW! What a busy weekend I have had! I worked this Saturday to get all my clients looking right for their weekend festivities! Then yesterday I went to a barbecue! So with the busy weekend ahead of me, I asked my fabulous co-worker Fran to help me give this blog a little extra meat!

Fran was one of the educators at the school when I was a student and although I personally never had her, boy do I look up to her! She has such an incredible understanding of this business and I value her opinion on styles, color and cuts more than I think she knows. When I was a student everyone was always buzzing about what Ms. Fran had planned, fun and exciting activities and no matter what always a smile and positive reinforcement. I'll never forget when I was a student, she paid me a compliment that really helped give me the confidence I needed to be a stylist. I had just finished a vintage formal design on a live model for a competition we were having at the school and she came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder and said "we need to stay in touch with you, you have to come back, see this, this is amazing." I think about that so often now that I am a teacher, how much our words can mean to these up and coming stylists.
Ms. Fran with her contagious smile!

So lets get to it, here's what we are chatting about this week:
1.    Paulie D- Have you seen his new hair cut? IS this actually news? I kinda feel like he cut his hair so that he could get his name out there again. I saw him once in Atlantic City. He was "DJing" and to be quite honest I DJ better with my car radio.   
  • FRAN SAYS: First off, I'm embarrassed to say I had to look up who Paulie D is! He isn't my type, but it wasn't the haircut I noticed, but the body did catch my eye! The man could be bald as far I'm concerned!

2.    Plans for the summer?- I hate vacationing in the summer, most places are overcrowded and crawling with little ones, although they are cute, I prefer to vacation when they are seated in classrooms. I am headed to Disney and on a Disney Cruise this September and I can't wait! Other than that I plan on a few weekend trips here and there starting next month with a quick trip to Gettysburg.
  • FRAN SAYS: Summer getaways will be pretty local as far as I'm concerned with the cost of gas and food being so high. I'm thinking of just hitting the Jersey Shore. They are Sandy strong and strong after Sandy!  Before you go, stock up on food and fill up on gas, but don't forget the liquor store! Word is, their thinking about changing the amount of legal alcohol consumption for drinking and driving. So, I don't see many people wanting to spend a lot of money dining out if the limit becomes one drink!

3.  Yard Sales- It seems to me that as soon as the weather warms up people are selling their unwanted belongings on their lawns. I absolutely love them!  Working Saturdays in the salon would always make it so hard to get them but now that I am off most Saturdays I am stopping the car every time I see them and adding to my pile of junk at home.
  • FRAN SAYS -Yard sales, I love them! Someone elses junk is my treasure! Better yet I've trashed picked treasures and they were free!                 
4.) BBQ go to foods: Did you ever notice that a barbecue is just not a barbecue without potato salad, pasta salad and deviled eggs? I can't help but eat two or three deviled eggs, they're my absolute go to at a summer time party. My cousin Patty always made the most delicious ones and I think of her each time I grab for one and probably always will.
  • FRAN SAYS: Whether it's potato or pasta salad, I enjoy them both unfortunately. But don't be making it with miracle whip!(YUCK!)  Real mayonnaise girl over here...why would anyone use miracle whip???- Fran, I couldn't agree more!

5.)   Stiletto nails- I have to admit when these things started popping up I couldn't stand them. There was just something that looked so fake to me. Celebrities have jumped on board with this and now they're everywhere. Like most trends do, this grew on me. I prefer them to be on the rounder side though not filed into a sharp point. What do you think?

  • FRAN SAYS- I think its amazing how trends decide what people will or will not be caught dead wearing. However, the pointy nail like all trends was in the past and is making a comeback! I'm personally always 3-5 years behind the trend so with that said, I will probably be getting a little point to my nails within the next few years!

6.)   Which Sex and the City character are you? - I have been re-watching Sex and the City lately. It is one of my all time favorite shows. It got me thinking, do you have a group of gal pals? Which character do you relate to most? Personally, if you asked my friends they'd probably say Samantha but less promiscuous. I am loyal and will always come through in the end. I give honest opinions and tell it how it is. I am also always good for an inappropriate comment or two. Which ever character you are I am sure you know how important you are to your group, the great thing with friends is we all bring out something special in each other.
  • FRAN SAYS: I always compare the salon I work in to Steel Magnolias. I love people of all types, having the differences is what makes everything so fun! I can't say I am the prettiest or even the smartest. sometimes one of the funniest but most importantly I would like to be known as the one who brought everyone together.

Well that's all I have for you today. I hope you had an amazing weekend. Remember Memorial Day is about more than BBQing. It is about remembering the service men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice so we can all live free and safe!

  Fran thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us! Your a gem!

Thanks for reading and Stay Beautiful,
Scissorhands Jill

Check back in on Wednesday for this weeks Hump Day Hair Chat: How to beat the summer frizz!


  1. Jill you are so fun I love this whole blogging and co blogging thing!

  2. NO MIRACLE WHIP EVER! You're both spot on with that.

    I should hit some yard sales for a book case.

    1. I always find the coolest stuff! This is just the best time of year to hit them, spring/summer cleaning is in full swing!

  3. Ditto to Miracle Whip hatred. Just say no.
